Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Healthy Mistakes

When people talk about health, they often talk about improvement or learning how to be better at certain things. There are few major components that we all think about that impact our health. The better you are at the major components, the healthier you are going to be.

It’s not terribly complicated. If you are good at eating healthy, you will be healthy. If you are good at exercising, you will be healthy. How do you get good at these things? You have to practice. It’s just like any other skill that you have learned. To become good at anything, you have to practice.

Practice makes perfect, right? Well, that is the theory. That is what we all strive for, but the idea of being perfect is more appealing than the actual pursuit of perfection. And the reality is, none of us will ever be perfect. Perfection is not something we can actually achieve in any area of life and health is no exception.

That is the problem with trying to be perfect. It won’t happen. Why do we think it will? I’m not sure why, but many of us do it, some more than often, but we have all been there. Especially in health, perfection almost seems possible. At least on paper, we all think that we should be able to do it.

The biggest problem in this pursuit is that we judge ourselves so harshly. When we make a small mistake, we treat it as if it were a catastrophic situation and it derails us completely. We are so hard on ourselves that we can’t recover and we continue to make other mistakes. Why do we do this? Did we think that we weren’t ever going to make a mistake? I’m not sure, but we all do it in one aspect or another. Health is an area that we tend to do it more than others.

What are mistakes?

Mistakes are nothing more than speed bumps. Mistakes are things that slow us down on our journey to health. That is a simple way of looking at it and it is a positive way of looking at it. That may be enough to make you feel like we are trying to be a cheerleader and tell you that health is easy and all you have to do is get over that “little speed bump” and you will be on your way to sure success.

Well, sure success doesn’t exist and I’m not here to tell you that anything is going to be easy. Health, of all things is never easy for anyone. It is not automatic and it won’t be a sure thing for you, me or anyone on this planet.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about what a mistake is. It’s simple, a mistake simply a missed try. A mistake is an attempt at something that didn’t go the way you wanted it to go. While we are at it, let’s talk about what a mistake is NOT. A mistake is not the end of your routine. A mistake is not the proof that you can’t do something.

What do we gain from mistakes?

If you are willing to look at mistakes in a way that will help you make progress, you will gain a lot from mistakes. Mistakes teach us. Mistakes show us that we did something wrong. When we make a mistake, we know that we have to do something differently next time. If we don’t make mistakes, how do we know how to improve upon anything? We don’t. That is why mistakes are critical to progress. When you make a mistake, you gain a perspective that you didn’t have before. You may not know a better way just yet, but you know what doesn’t work. Sometimes knowing what doesn’t work is the best thing we can learn. That way we won’t keep trying to do it.

Mistakes are healthy. Provided we learn from them and don’t let them derail us, we can learn from mistakes. If you don’t make any mistakes, you aren’t trying hard enough. When we challenge ourselves, we make mistakes. When we challenge ourselves, we also grow and get better. This is no coincidence. The mistakes are what teach us and help us learn better ways, which lead to growth and improvement.

If you want to live healthy, you have to be willing to make mistakes. You have to be willing to try a new routine. You have to be willing to try to put certain things into your day despite the fact that they will be challenging. You have to be willing to try and you have to be willing to fail. Mistakes are little. Failure is final. Failure, true failure, only occurs when you quit something. When you quit something, you may stop making mistakes, but you also stop growing and getting better.

When it comes to health, if you are not growing and getting better, your health isn’t either. You need to focus on your routine, break it down into small steps and execute those steps day in and day out. Each month, week and even each day, you will make mistakes. As you do try more and more ways to do healthy things, your routine gets healthier and so do you. Mistakes are part of health. As you continue to make health part of your life, you will continue to make mistakes. You will also get better and better at what you are doing, so when you think about it, you will eventually be making healthy mistakes.

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