Monday, August 30, 2010

Make a Decision

There are many people trying to get healthy. There also many people struggling with this task. We’ve talked about the challenges and you can probably think of a whole list of challenges from your own routine. It is no mystery that getting and staying healthy is not easy. We know that, but why is it so difficult?

It’s not just the barriers that we run into that get in our way. We often get in our own way. I’m not just talking about the things we eat or the exercise we don’t get. I’m talking about something that has even more influence on our routine. I’m talking about decisions.

Every day we make decisions to do things that we need to do. We need to eat food in order to live. We need to do something in order to earn enough money to live. We need to do a lot in order to get through a day. These are just a few of the basics, but you get the idea.

Where does your health fit in your list of decisions?
Your health is nothing more than the results of your decisions. What does it mean when you say: “I’d like to be healthier”? To me it means that you are going to do what your body needs in order to function at its best. That is the connection I make when it comes to health.

This connection means a lot to me. I live it every day and I actually help others live it every day too. It’s not enough to know what the connection is. We talk about that all the time. It is more important to know what the connection means.

What does the connection between wanting something and acting on it mean to me? It means that when I say I want to do something it is my decision to get it done. When you think about doing something, it may get done…some day. When you say you will do something, it may get done…you hope.

These levels of commitment are not enough. That is why so many of us are “trying” or “saying” we are going to get healthy. The only way to be successful in any area is to decide to do it. When you decide to do something, you are not just saying or trying to do it. You are taking action and doing it.

When you make a decision, you are truly committing. I’ve seen this with clients, friends and family. I’ve even seen it with myself. My connection was made and reinforced in my own life. That is why I can confidently say that if you were unable to reach a goal, you didn’t fully decide that you would reach it.
If you want to change something, decide to change it. Make a decision and stick with it. That is what it takes to get what you want. You clearly want to do it.

If you didn’t want it, you wouldn’t be thinking about it all the time. If you didn’t want to do it, you wouldn’t have tried to do it in the first place.
When you trying to make a change, it is important to remember whose decision it is.

It is yours. You decide what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. No one else makes decisions for you. When you try to do something, only you can make the effort. When when you say you are going to do something, only you can hold yourself accountable to make sure that it gets done. When you think about doing something, it’s still only in your head. Trying, saying you will try or just thinking about what you will do doesn’t get you through the challenges because you are not fully committing yet.

Only when you decide to do something, will you actually do it. And only you can decide. It is actually pretty simple. You don’t have to have a magic formula for success. If you really want something, you have to make a decision.

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