Friday, May 28, 2010

Holiday Weekend Strategy

1. Start the day off right

Eat a good breakfast in the morning. No matter what time a big meal is, making sure that you start the day off with a solid breakfast will help you stay in control when it is time to eat again.

*If you are eating closer to dinner time, your breakfast and lunch can be great chances to offset the over-the-top tendencies of the events.

2. Keep the exercise going

Your routine has helped you burn extra calories each day. This weekend is just as important and it can help you feel more energized to chat with friends guests and share laughs with family. If you burn more calories, you can feel more confident that what you eat will make a smaller impact on your weight.

*If you are not into the routine that you want, this is a good time to insert a healthy activity into the tradition. Walks or trips to the park with kids or a family game can create great memories!

3. Remember: It’s just one weekend

Just because there is more food than normal available to you over a holiday weekend doesn’t mean that it has to throw the rest of your routine off. There is no need to beat yourself up. By cutting yourself a little slack, you can actually expect to be MORE successful because your goals are realistic for the day.

*After a holiday weekend is a great time to start your new plan (if you haven’t already), since you know that you likely won’t have a bigger challenge than you’ve already encountered.

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