Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Act Like You’re in a Bathing Suit

I was at a social gathering with a friend of mine when she gave me a great idea. I want to thank and cite Amy as the one who came up with this theory. Amy is not in the industry, which actually made me feel even better about the theory because it shows how it translates to real life. This theory came from a real person that holds great value in her health and wants others to do the same.

It is difficult to value health when you feel like you don’t have it. Many people I talk to feel this way and don’t see a way out. Amy’s theory can actually help you feel like you can make changes. It is not just something for those that need to find health, but also for those that need to maintain the health they already have.

It’s also difficult to value health when you refuse to focus on it. The theory that I’m talking about is about keeping health in the forefront. It is about making sure that your health is on your mind and stays part of your day to day life. When you do that, you will live a healthy life.

Picture this:

You are out at the beach with a big group of friends. The sun is shining and the weather is perfect. Maybe you are in Florida or even Hawaii. Maybe you are just at the lake during the summer time. No matter where you are, they key is that it is bathing suit season. You are in and out of the water because you need to cool off and feel comfortable in the summer heat. All of your friends are enjoying themselves as they do the same.

Now it’s lunch time…

Everyone grabs some food and sits down at a picnic table to eat lunch. As you all eat together, you remain in the sun right on the beach. What are you eating? How much of it are you eating? If you are sitting there in your bathing suit, I will guess that you don’t want to be too full. You don’t want to feel heavy and bloated as you sit there in your bathing suit.

There is now way to hide. You are forced to look at yourself. You are forced to look at each other. You are exposed to the world. Every inch and every pound is right there. It is right there for you to see and it is right there for everyone else to see.

One thing that can influence what you eat and how you think is the reality of right now. Right now, if you can see yourself for what you look like, how you feel and what your body is now, you will make decisions that will keep that on your mind.

We have all heard the phrase: “I’m not worried about that now.” Or “Someday I will change that.” These statements of procrastination are all too common. Why are they so common? Likely because we really believe that there isn’t a problem now. When you put on your big sweater and stay inside over the winter, you don’t notice weight gain. The longer you go without looking in the mirror (really looking!) the longer you can go without seeing the weight.

For most people, it IS being added. The average person in the US gains about a pound every year. Some gain more, while others actually lose weight. Despite the national trend, I know that there are many people that are living healthy and will continue to do so.

What do these people do that others don’t? They look at their current state, compare it to their desired state and they do what it takes to bring them together. In order to look at their current state they have to take a look in the mirror. It has to be an honest look at where they are. Think about it again: you are standing in front of the mirror in your bathing suit. What do you see? Is it what you want to see? What decisions are you going to make right now to make sure that eventually, you will see what you want to see when you stand here?

These questions are not always easy to ask. But that is the point. It’s not always easy to stand in front of the mirror in your bathing suit. Easy is not always the best option. Easy does not always get you where you want to go. Health itself is not always easy. Some of the things you do to live healthy may take a little more time or effort, but they do get you where you want to go.

Remember that wherever you want to go, you have to start somewhere. No matter where you want to go, you can only start where you are. In order to know where you are, you have to look in the mirror. When you sit down to eat lunch, dinner or any other meal, think about where you are and where you want to go. Is the food you are going to eat helping you get there? What choice can you make to help yourself?

Amy’s theory that we would all make better choices if we wore bathing suits every day makes sense to me. If you could see everything, wouldn’t you eat lighter? I would. In fact, I do. During my conversation with Amy, I thought back to all the times I have been to a beach, lake or pool. On those days I never over ate. Why? Because I was sitting there with my shirt off and didn’t want to feel like I was stuffed.

If we walked around like that every day, we would assess your current state. You would have to because it would be on display for you and everyone else. Next time you eat, drink or debate exercise, simply apply the bathing suit test: What would you do if you were wearing a bathing suit?


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