Thursday, June 25, 2009

Follow-up to my weekly routine

As I said before, I didn’t share this with you to show how healthy I am to convince you to do my routine. You have to put together YOUR routine. In fact, I didn’t go into much detail on my specific routine for that very reason. If you are doing mine, or I am doing yours for that matter, it’s not going to be as effective. The key points that I wanted to get across with this are:

1. Plan: figure out what you want to do, create a plan and stick with it. If the plan is not working, change it.

2. Take it one day at a time: no one can accomplish a week in a day, so why do we think that we can ruin a week with a just one day? If Monday isn’t want you wanted it to be, you will always have Tuesday to change the direction of your week.

I hope this makes sense and is helpful to see. Although I have been in this routine for a while, I still reevaluate the goals and specifics so that I know I am truly accomplishing what I want to accomplish. I think that is the most important part, which is why I wanted to share the mindset and my thought process as I go through a week. If you don’t think about what you are doing, it is difficult to stay on track.

Send me your mindset, strategy and other routine factors. I'd love to hear what keeps you going!

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