Monday, August 6, 2012

Fitting Exercise In: Next Steps

We all know how important exercise is. We all know that there are many benefits to exercising. Unfortunately, we also know how difficult it can be to fit exercise in. That is why I’ve written countless articles about why it is worth fitting it in despite the challenges. The difficulty you have fitting in exercise now pales in comparison to the difficulties you will face later in life.

Exercise isn’t just about weight loss. Exercise is about quality of life. And despite the stigma it gets among those that don’t want to do it or find it too hard to do, exercise is something that you will enjoy. Even if you don’t enjoy each and every session, I assure you that the results will be enjoyed. Think about the benefits of exercise for a moment. These benefits include:

1. Weight Control

When you burn calories, you lose weight. When you don’t burn them, you gain weight. It’s simple and we all know it.

2. Long-term Health

Exercise prevents many chronic conditions and helps you live a longer life. Certain risk factors (like heart disease, diabetes to name a few) can be dramatically reduced for a longer life and more healthy and enjoyable years.

3. Mood Boosting

Exercise is proven to boost mood and is even being used by therapists to treat depression.

4. Energy

Exercise wakes the body up and helps you get going. It works at any time of the day, so get moving for more energy.

5. Sleep Improvement

Exercise helps us regulate sleep patterns. By moving more during the day, we are better able to shut down at night.

Do any of the things on this list sound bad? Do any of them sound like things you should be avoiding? Of course not! They are all things we want every single day. We want to be healthy, feel good and have more energy. No matter who you are, I can guarantee that these are things you would like to have in your life.

Well, are they in your life? If so, you have realized the importance and started taking action. If not, why are they still not part of your life? Is it because you haven’t found a way to fit exercise in? This is not uncommon. In fact, it’s the norm. Most people are not active. About 30% of Americans don’t exercise at all.
Why is this? We know all of the good things that exercise brings, so why are we still not doing it? It’s simple: we are not finding ways to fit exercise in. It is simple to understand why exercise is good. It is also simple to understand why people are not able to get enough. We all have busy schedules, obligations and not enough time to complete them. That is no surprise.

It is not so simple to understand how to fit exercise in. That is a big reason that so many are not fitting it in. It takes planning, preparation, dedication and motivation. It takes what some think is too much. But, I don’t think it takes as much as everyone thinks. I think it takes one step on one day and a willingness to stick with it. Sticking with it doesn’t mean gritting your teeth and doing something you don’t like. It just means adjusting so that you can do something to keep it going.

We will get into that later. First, let’s take a look at some tips for fitting exercise in:

1. Know Your Schedule

Sit down and take a few minutes to determine what times would work for you. It is easy to say: “Oh, I’ll fit it in at some point.” How has that worked in the past? Exactly, if you don’t have time, you won’t do anything. You have to look for realistic times and realistic blocks of time.

2. Use Your Schedule

It’s not enough to say: “I’m going to start working out every morning.” You have to think about what makes sense for your schedule and your comfort level. Once you have don’t that, put those times on your calendar. The more formal you are with your schedule, the more likely you are to stick with it.

3. Own Your Schedule

Once something goes on your calendar, remember how it got there. You put it there! If you put it there, only you can take it off. If you have something important and beneficial to yourself on the calendar, there is only one reason to take it off. That one reason: If something is more important and more beneficial to you. I didn’t say “more urgent”, I said more important. There will always be urgent things that come about. These things are not important. They may scream for your attention, but unless we are talking about an actual emergency, urgent does NOT equal important. Put it on, don’t take it off. The little things can wait until you are done. In fact, they may even feel easier because you are energized.

4. Keep Your Schedule

It does you no good to hit it hard for a week and then quit. Don’t think that exercise is going to be something that you start and instantly perfect. It will take time to work your way into a routine. Many people do it without thinking about it, but many others still struggle to fit it in. The difference is the first 3 steps. The next factor is looking at those steps in a long-term view. You have to know that you are doing to do this for a long time. I even suggest thinking about what you want to do for the rest of your life. It sounds extreme, but how many days in a row are you going to do that fad workout program? How many times are you going to force yourself to go to the gym that is too far away just because got a deal?

You already know the reasons for fitting exercise in. You know that you want to do it and you know why you want to do it. These are really the next steps. Apply them and know that the more you try, the better it will work. The longer you can commit the more results you will get. The list of results is long and it makes no sense to fight it. The difference between success and failure is having a plan. These steps should be the first in your plan to fitting exercise in.

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