Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Eliminate Quitting From Your List of Options

When it comes to health, everyone wants to be better. If you are feeling that you are in poor health, you want to get started with something. If you are in good health, you want to be in great health. Even if you are in great health, you strive to maintain it and even push yourself further. No matter where you are, you always want to see results and achieve more.

The best way to do that is simple: Do it. There is no way around it. If you do things that are good for your health, you will get healthy results. You will be healthy. If you don’t do these things, you won’t see the results. That is as simple as I can put it.

Why is everyone having trouble getting the results they want? Well, I don’t think that it is lack of awareness of what they need to do. We all know what healthy food looks like. We all know that moving is good for the body. There is no secret to health. The fact remains: When you do healthy things you are going to get healthy results.

The best part about health is that you have so many options. You can do anything to move your body and count it as exercise. You can eat a variety of foods that will bring you good nutrients and you can even eat the good foods that you have always eaten, in moderation. The problem is that there is one option that seems to be more powerful and enticing than all the others. There is an option that seems to be stronger than all of the others combined and often ends up being the one we choose.

This option is quitting. Quitting is something that we have all done in one area or another. We have all been in a situation where things looked difficult and we decided not to go forward. We have been there, we will likely be there again and there is no shame in it. Quitting is part of life. There are even times when quitting is the better option when you think about the results you are going to get.

In health, quitting is not a good option. In fact, it shouldn’t be an option at all. What are you saying when you quit? You are saying that you don’t care. You are saying that you don’t want the results you would get from going forward. What are you saying when you quit on your health? You are saying that you don’t want it and you don’t care about your own well-being. You are saying that you don’t want to be healthy. What’s worse is that you are saying “I don’t think I can be healthy.”

Quitting seems like an easier option. I think that is why we tend to jump to it so quickly. It is always easier to move backward. It is easier to picture yourself back where you started because you have already been there. There is a certain comfort in familiar territory. If you have seen it and know how it feels, it is much easier to accept.

That is actually the key to health. Quitting seems easier in the beginning. When failure and poor health are the norm, it is easy to go back there. The same is true for success and good health. When you are used to moving forward, you get comfortable with that and keep doing it.

Even small steps and small changes are positive. The healthiest people are not just fanatics that live and breathe exercise and grow their own food while shunning everything that “normal” people eat. The healthiest people are able to break their options down and choose one that works for them. They are able to do this day in and day out and that is why their results are what they are.

It’s not enough to want to be healthy. You have to live healthy to get healthy results. You have many options. Quitting is one of those options, but we know what it gets you. It gets you nothing. It actually gets you worse than nothing because each option you choose can become a habit. The more you choose an option, the more comfort you will feel with it and the easier it will be to do.

When it comes to health, many of us are looking for better results. There are many options to achieve these results. The best thing you can do is eliminate one of your options. Don’t let quitting be an option and you will see much different results.

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