Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Support Your Health

When you are doing something in life, you ask the people around you for support. When you accomplish goals, what do you say? You say that it was a result of those around you. You couldn’t have done it without their support. It is true and that is why support is one of the most important ingredients in any recipe that you want to be successful.

Support is not something we can do without. Support is vital to success in all areas. Health is no different. We have discussed the importance before, but let’s get into more detail about how support can be used and who can be your support system.
The reality is, anyone can be supportive. If they are in your life and interested in your success, anyone can support you. Let’s think about the roles that people can play in your life to help you succeed in health:

Your family is the biggest support system available. They are there for you whether you like it or not. They are offering suggestions, asking how they can help and even participating with you on your journey through life. It doesn’t matter what your goals are. If family is aware of them, they will be there to help you reach them.
Using your family as a support system is the oldest and easiest way to get yourself on track. Telling them what you want to accomplish is a start. Helping them understand why you want to accomplish it will help them get on board and even help you along. Sharing the experience with them is the ultimate way to get on track and stay on track.

Your friends are like an extension of your family. In many cases, they are around more and are even closer to you and your goals. Friends are there for each other and health is something that requires this support in order for you to be successful.
Friends are the best way to come up with ideas for future plans. They are also a good way to evaluate those ideas before you have problems. Friends can have a way of asking what you are doing that will help shape the way you answer. If you are wanting to be active and you know your friend is going to ask you about your activity, you will work to make sure that you are able to tell them YES, you are indeed active. If not, you know that you are telling them one thing and doing another. Just as you are telling yourself one thing (I want to be active) and doing another (Not being active).

No matter what company you work for, unless you are the only one in the company, you have a group of people that you spend a lot of time with. Coworkers have become even more important as we see ourselves at work and in offices for longer and longer days, weeks, months and years. Work is something that consumes a lot of time and energy.

The more time you spend with someone, the more support they can offer you. With as much time as we spend at work, we get to know our coworkers pretty well these days. Couple that with the fact that we are working on common goals and you can see how important they can be to your success in health. As health becomes part of these goals, you can really utilize the common bond to keep things moving in the right direction.

The moral of the story is: Your success in health depends greatly on the people around you. Without support, healthy habits are difficult to get started with and they are even more difficult to stick with. Support can be a workout partner. It can be a reminder from another person. Support can even be as simple as sharing an idea with someone so that they know what you are trying to do. When they know, they can help you. When you know that they know, you can use that to make sure you are sticking with it and not going against what you have told the people around you.

It’s funny how much easier it is to stick with something when others know what you are doing. If you don’t tell anyone, you are just letting yourself down. If you are telling others and still not doing something, you are letting them down too. No one wants to let anyone down. The people that are supporting you don’t want to let you down either. If you reach out and use the support around you, you will be successful in health. You will be supporting your own health by utilizing the people around you.

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