Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekly Game Plan

Everyone has goals. Everyone has things that make it challenging to reach those goals. As you go through your routine, you may have certain techniques to help you succeed. If you have succeeded in the past, you have done something that you can remember and keep going back to. I have decided to lay out my techniques. I wanted to share this with you, not because I am “Mr. Health” or because I think that you should do what I do. The key point to any goal is to have a plan. You will see the rest of my message when you look at the game plan that gets me through my routine, to and beyond my goals.

Below is my 7-day plan:

Focus: It is the start of the week, so get off to a good start to set the tone for the rest of the week
Goal: Go to the gym in the morning (lifting/circuits/cardio), summer: sand volleyball in evenings too
Mindset: This is the first appointment on my calendar. It is for me, with me and will help me wake up (my coffee!) for the day. Yes, it is Monday, but the rest of the days in the week are not going to be here until Monday is done. The week does not compound on itself unless we let ourselves try to take it all on at once. One appointment and one task at a time. First appointment of the week: me and the gym

Focus: Keep the momentum going from the start of the week. If I have I have a successful Tuesday, now my work-week is 40% accomplished and I’m clearly on the right track.
Goal: Go running with my dogs in the morning
Mindset: Again, this is the first appointment on my calendar. Actually it is the first appointment on my Foxhound’s calendar too. Nellie has two things on her calendar: morning run and eating). You’ve heard the advantages of a workout buddy. I have two of them, Nellie and Rex.
Mindset: One day is a start, two days is the beginning of a trend. I know that once Tuesday is locked in, the week is going in the right direction. Now I’m 40% of the way to my work-week goal

Focus: It is hump day. I am now on that notorious hump that we all want to get over. Today the battle is to get up and go.
Goal: Go to the gym in the morning (lifting/circuits/cardio)
Mindset: the first two days of the week took a lot out of me, so now it is time to release some of the tension. Much of Monday and Tuesday were spend meeting other people’s needs, so now the best way for me to start the day is to focus on me. Again, the first appointment is the best way for me to do that. It is the only time of day that is mine and stays mine.

Focus: I’m on the downward slope of the mountain and I know what got me here. It is usually a little easier to get up because I know there are only two days left in the week. Plus, Nellie somehow knows that it is a running day again and she is ready to go.
Goal: Go running with my dogs in the morning
Mindset: the distance varies quite a bit on this day because the week has often taken it’s toll on me my Thursday morning. The conversation that I have with myself is how long or how fast I go, not if I go or not. By keeping the focus on what I need to push myself without going overboard, rather than “do I want to go or not” my run remains imbedded in my routine and stays on my calendar.

Focus: Finish the week strong. I started off on the right foot, kept it going all week, now why wouldn’t I finish that way?
Goal: Go to gym in the morning (group class and/or lifting/circuits/cardio)
Mindset: You may have noticed the class as an option for Friday mornings. This helps me keep my physical routine going, while giving my brain a rest. As the week goes on, a great deal of my energy is expended thinking, solving problems as well as working from sun up to sundown. On Friday mornings it is a nice reward for me to have someone telling me what to do. All I have to do is follow instructions and keep moving and I know that my Friday will be off to the energetic start that I need.

Focus: What a great week! I accomplished my workout goals and can reflect on them as well as the rest of the goals that I had set for the week.
Goal: Do something healthy and rewarding for myself (run, bike, just relax, connect with family and friends, etc.)
Mindset: because I did something every day during the week and my goal is to do the same next week, I want to leave myself some le-way so that I don’t burn out. Today, I will do something that is good for me, but I don’t know what time or what activity. Sometimes it’s inactivity that I need on Saturdays. I earned it.

Focus: I really enjoyed Saturday and I want to not only wrap up the weekend with a good feeling, but I want to start next week off on the right track as well.
Goal: prep for week, do something healthy and rewarding for myself (same options)
Winter- hockey in evening as well
Mindset: Keep focused on how good I feel when I do what my body and mind needs me to do. The physical exertion keeps me energized and strong enough to handle the next task, while the mental focus and relaxation helps me appreciate both aspects and keeps me balanced.

Back at it…let’s make it an even better week than the last!

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